What is a Glimmer?
Glimmers are small moments where we find joy. A time when we see something or feel something that brings us happiness. It’s especially necessary when we are busy in midlife with responsibilities that seem to be piling up quickly to take time to notice the glimmers. These tiny moments tell our nervous system we are safe.
This feeling allows us to have a more compassionate, growth mindset. These are small moments that can help shift our mood for the better.
Finding glimmers of joy during our busy day is not always easy. When we think back to being younger or look at pictures of holidays or any celebrations, we can usually feel and see the joy. It came easily. The excitement and happiness was palpable. Let’s go out and find more of that feeling, even if it’s on a smaller scale.
Glimmer versus a Trigger
We are all probably more familiar with triggers, the opposite of a glimmer. They make us feel uncomfortable and elicit a negative feeling from something that happened in the past. Working through these will allow for more glimmers to come through.
As we enter midlife, we naturally have more obligations and can feel weighed down with a lot of worry. Either as it pertains to us or those we love. Spoiler alert: Worrying too much isn’t going to change a situation’s outcome. I try my best to focus on the here and now. Not looking at the past and into the future, which causes me stress. Seeing my young grandchildren naturally find joy in small things all day always motivates me to do the same!
Finding tiny moments of awe that send cues of safety to our nervous system are important. Undoubtedly, finding even a small glimmer will help increase our well-being. More tips for women in midlife in my blog ‘5 Ways for Women to Feel Better in Midlife‘.
How to Find the Glimmers in Midlife
There are many types of glimmers. Glimmers that help us feel peace, help us feel a sense of magic, or that make us simply feel happy. We need to find the glimmers to bring a sense of ease and contentment to our body and mind.
The good news is that glimmers can be found all around us. When we find them, they can create a warmth or positive energy within us. Examples such as :
- Beauty found in nature: stars in the sky, the warm sun on your face, a sunset or sunrise, looking out into the vast ocean, or a warm breeze.
- A smile from a friendly stranger
- Playing our favorite music
- A freshly baked croissant or biscuit
- The smell of a new baby
- Petting a dog
We can create space for more glimmers and learn not to respond to the triggers. Pause and notice the people, places, things, or activities that calm your nervous system. The more we train our brains to be on the lookout for more glimmers, the more these small moments will appear.
Reach out if you would like to discuss how to bring more balance to your life. We deserve to truly thrive and not just survive in midlife!
Kathleen is a registered nurse, menopause coaching specialist, and intuitive eating counselor who empowers midlife women to navigate hormone changes, manage menopause symptoms, and make peace with food for a balanced, healthier life. Her own journey of overcoming an eating disorder and navigating a difficult menopause inspired her to help women reclaim their health, break free from chronic dieting, and embrace intuitive, mindful living.
Love thease tips on recognizing when I am Triggered and how to counter it, an I in danger? Really great thank you.
The “Triggers” post was FANTASTIC! So many insightful tips and your writing is so powerful I connected to every word!