Three people showcasing unity with hands joined and bracelets in friendship.
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The Power of Connection: How Lifelong and New Friendships Boost Your Health

If you’re like many midlife women, you’re climbing the corporate ladder or maybe even thinking about slowing down into retirement or semi-retirement. You might still be raising kids, sending them off to college, adjusting to an empty nest, making time for your partner, and possibly even embracing the joys of grandparenting. With so much happening,…

A Woman Meditating at the Beach awakening.
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Midlife Awakening: Wake Up and Smell the Opportunities

Midlife has a bit of a reputation, doesn’t it? Traditionally, it’s been labeled with negative terms such as “midlife crisis,” which are often accompanied by impulsive purchases, dramatic makeovers, and restless searches for lost youth. But what if you looked at midlife as less of a crisis and more like a new chapter full of…

photo of over eating at night.
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5 Ways to Stop Overeating at Night Starting Today

You’ve had a good day, felt strong, and stuck to your plan. Yet, as soon as nighttime rolls around, the temptation hits. You promise yourself this time will be different, but before you know it, you’re reaching for snacks you don’t need. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Overeating at night is a common struggle for…

take a bath to show self-compassion.
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Self-Compassion Affirmations for Midlife

Midlife and the hustle and bustle of daily life can make it difficult to practice self-compassion. Many of you are probably pretty overwhelmed and busy with all of your responsibilities. Using self-compassion affirmations — inspirational quotes or positive statements — is a wonderful way to embrace a more positive way of thinking. They quickly remind…