group of women with menopause coach to support women to eat intuitively.

How I Can Help You as a Menopause Coach

For many women, midlife can be a very stressful time. Many of you are raising children, building careers, helping aging parents, and spending time with spouses (or at least you’re trying your best).

A lot of you feel like your mood is in the toilet and your energy is tanking!

You’ve been researching all there is to know about menopause and changing hormones. You scour the internet looking for answers to all the symptoms that are turning your life upside down.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had a menopause coach to help you feel better and finally listen to what’s so hard to describe? Someone who has been where you are!

Maybe you’ve tried talking to your doctor. He or she says, “You’re in perimenopause or menopause. It’s normal.” So you doubt yourself. Am I going crazy? You realize that your female friends and relatives are not saying they feel like they are losing their minds.

Maybe you are losing your mind, you think.

I get it! You can feel so alone!

As a post-menopausal woman and a nurse, I didn’t have the solutions or get the answers from my doctor. After hiring a health coach to help me, it was a game-changer. There was finally someone who understood how I was feeling and I finally felt heard!

I continued to learn all I could about changing hormones as I kept improving my health. I became a certified health and life coach specializing in menopause to help women not make the mistakes I did!

Helping other women feel and look their best is my life’s passion!

When Changing Hormones Start

You realize you feel differently in your 30s and 40s. But you are told that the average age of menopause is 51. For me and many women, menopause can happen in your early 40s.

Since perimenopause is the transitional period 7 – 10 years prior, it’s not uncommon to begin feeling ‘out of sorts’ in your 30s. But you are probably too busy to do anything about it.

You feel so full of self-doubt but you continue to search the internet for ways to feel less tired. Or, how do you get sleep and stop feeling rage at people who are just doing what they’ve always done?

You wonder, “Where do I even begin to feel better?” Like many women, you don’t change anything because you’re overwhelmed!

Understanding that to feel and look different, we have to make different choices!

See more hormone information in my blog ‘Female Hormones 101 as You Age‘.

Finally Having Time to Take Care of You

woman in white long sleeve shirt and white pants sitting on blue wooden chair during daytime habit stacking.

As your children start to spend more time out of the home, you may have more silence which can be wonderful. But it can also be a bit uncomfortable.

You’ve longed for this, but it now forces you to look inward. You may not be happy with where you are with your health or life choices.

As a menopause coach, I will help you get to the root of what is holding you back. Discover why choosing to take care of you is not at the top of your list.

It becomes clear that fluctuating and ultimately declining hormones are making all of the different roles in your life seem harder — especially self-care!

I’m excited to help women recognize how small, consistent changes help them feel better!

Old Behaviors

As your hormones are changing, it’s also not uncommon to have old, unhealthy habits show back up to help you feel better in the moment. For many women, food issues begin or come back from younger years like an old friend.

Intuitive eating is the best path to listening to make peace with food. It’s time to recognize your true fullness and hunger cues as you begin to trust and listen to your body again!

No dieting and depriving only to regain the weight.

I was guilty of poor choices surrounding food until I developed better habits. I help you recognize what you need to change. We create ways for you to be compassionate with yourself, manage menopause symptoms, and eat intuitively!

Get to the weight your body is meant to be at without beating yourself up.

How a Menopause Coach Can Help


I help you understand your changing body and mind. I explain how fluctuating and declining hormones affect just about every system in your body — not just the reproductive system.

I provide a safe and confidential space for you to share how you are feeling. You will express what health concerns you have and prioritize what it is you want to change. I’ll help you develop coping strategies as you work towards your goals.


Undoubtedly, past issues in your life will resurface as you allow yourself to talk about how you are feeling. We will work through where the barriers are to you reaching your goals.

Recommendations will be made if situations arise that make it clear that more therapy is needed on a deeper level from a trained therapist in conjunction with coaching.

Make a Plan as You Develop New Habits

We devise a plan for you to make changes in your habits that are necessary with changing hormones. Maybe problems are showing up with alcohol consumption, overworking, or overconsuming sugar — all to distract from the real issues.

It’s time to develop new habits that you can be proud of. Yes, perimenopause and menopause are inevitable stages for women. But you should not suffer through them!

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Options

I also help you better understand hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to see if you would benefit from this option along with lifestyle choices. You will understand the questions to ask your physician. Discuss taking estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone — the main hormones that fluctuate and decline for women in menopause.

The smallest dose to relieve your most problematic symptoms and lifestyle changes is ideal for many women.

As a registered nurse and woman who has gone through menopause and all of the changes, I understand that there are options out there to help us feel our best!

support from a menopause coach

It’s Time to Find Contentment in Midlife and Beyond

Certified health, wellness, and life coaches take a holistic approach to your well-being. We look at all areas of your life as we help you find balance with your life’s emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical aspects.

We give you space to reflect, ask challenging questions, support you, and help you become aware of any self-sabotaging holding you back from becoming your best version!

As a certified women’s health coach in Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey, I am passionate about helping women embrace this time for growth, vitality, and well-being.

Check out my blog post: ‘Having the Courage to Change in Midlife‘ to give you the inspiration you need today!

It’s time to thrive and not just survive!

Please reach out so we can chat about how I can help you.

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