5 Easy Ways to Increase Insulin Sensitivity in Midlife
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5 Easy Ways to Increase Insulin Sensitivity in Midlife

Have you heard of insulin sensitivity? It’s all about how well your body’s cells respond to insulin, which is a big deal for your blood sugar levels. When your cells are more sensitive to insulin, they use blood glucose more effectively, helping keep blood sugar balanced. As a woman in midlife, having good insulin sensitivity…

11 Ways to Boost Your Energy in Under 10 Minutes
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11 Ways to Boost Your Energy in Under 10 Minutes

It’s 3 in the afternoon and suddenly all you can think about is taking a nap. You quickly realize you’re in your office or caring for your children so lying down is out of the question. We’ve all been there, right? The mid-afternoon slump is real when we run out of energy. It doesn’t care…

My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 2)

My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 2)

As many women know, menopause is a natural stage when her periods stop for 12 consecutive months. Feeling irritable, suffering from hot flashes, irregular periods, insomnia, decreased libido, and slower metabolism are the hallmark symptoms of menopause (to name a few). Most of these symptoms are due to a reduction in estrogen made by the…

How to Trust You Can Honor Your Hunger
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How to Trust You Can Honor Your Hunger

If you’re someone who has been on and off diets your entire life, it may be very difficult to trust your body’s hunger cues. Intuitive Eating has 10 guidelines and honoring your hunger is an important one of them. It sounds easy for some people but, for others, it can be quite challenging if you…

Seven Superfoods to Feel Your Best in Menopause
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Seven Superfoods to Feel Your Best in Menopause

Each day you make choices about your food intake as you plan your meals. But many women don’t consider how improving their food choices can help them through their perimenopause and menopause journey. Consuming superfoods during menopause — nutrient-dense and relatively low in calories but rich in what your body needs most — antioxidants, nutrients,…

Reduce Inflammation as You Eat Intuitively
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Reduce Inflammation as You Eat Intuitively

As I learned more and more about my changing hormones during menopause, I realized that I needed to make small, consistent changes in a few areas to lose the weight I had gained and improve my overall health. I did this through intuitive eating over many months. I could not go back to dieting and…

Six-Step Best Skin Care Routine in Midlife
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Six-Step Best Skin Care Routine in Midlife

The largest organ in your body is counting on you to take care of it each day — your skin! As estrogen levels decrease in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, your skin becomes more dry. You will notice more fine lines and wrinkles as collagen production declines as well. Many women report seeing fine lines…

My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 1)
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My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 1)

I decided that my quest to get heart healthy (aka my cholesterol-lowering journey) should be shared publicly. Mostly to help you, women in midlife during changing hormones, but also to hold myself accountable. And since it’s February, it seems fitting to share what I’m learning so we can get heart-healthy together. I had a physical…

Foods For Balancing Female Hormones

Foods For Balancing Female Hormones

As the female body ages and you go through menopause, your sex hormones fluctuate and ultimately decline. Using foods for balancing female hormones, your body’s chemical messengers is the most natural way to feel and look your best. Without improvements to your diet, how you look and feel will certainly be impacted with hormonal changes….