Benefits of Strength Training for Women Over 40
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Benefits of Strength Training for Women Over 40

If you’re like me, to lose weight or stay fit when you were younger, you were part of the ’70s and ’80s cardio workout craze. By the mid-1980s, 22 million Americans were doing aerobics, mostly women, and I was one of them (insert leg warmers here and the song ‘Physical’ by Olivia Newton-John). I didn’t…

How to Trust You Can Honor Your Hunger
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How to Trust You Can Honor Your Hunger

If you’re someone who has been on and off diets your entire life, it may be very difficult to trust your body’s hunger cues. Intuitive Eating has 10 guidelines and honoring your hunger is an important one of them. It sounds easy for some people but, for others, it can be quite challenging if you…

My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 1)
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My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 1)

I decided that my quest to get heart healthy (aka my cholesterol-lowering journey) should be shared publicly. Mostly to help you, women in midlife during changing hormones, but also to hold myself accountable. And since it’s February, it seems fitting to share what I’m learning so we can get heart-healthy together. I had a physical…

Female Hormones 101 As You Age

Female Hormones 101 As You Age

Female Hormones 101 as you age will help you understand how hormones change throughout your life, affect many systems in your body, and how to feel your best. The main female reproductive hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for sexual development and preparing the uterine wall to nurture fertilized eggs during pregnancy….

Protein’s Health Benefits for Women in Midlife
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Protein’s Health Benefits for Women in Midlife

If you’re a woman entering midlife, you may recognize that your body is going through a host of changes. Perhaps you are gaining weight and you don’t feel as strong as you used to. The more you learn, the more you realize that protein may need to be increased in your diet. So what’s happening?…