bowl of vegetable salads to lower cholesterol.

My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 2)

As many women know, menopause is a natural stage when her periods stop for 12 consecutive months. Feeling irritable, suffering from hot flashes, irregular periods, insomnia, decreased libido, and slower metabolism are the hallmark symptoms of menopause (to name a few). Most of these symptoms are due to a reduction in estrogen made by the…

skin care in midlife
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Six-Step Best Skin Care Routine in Midlife

The largest organ in your body is counting on you to take care of it each day — your skin! As estrogen levels decrease in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, your skin becomes more dry. You will notice more fine lines and wrinkles as collagen production declines as well. Many women report seeing fine lines…

person holding notepad and pen journaling.
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My Cholesterol-Lowering Journey (Part 1)

I decided that my quest to get heart healthy (aka my cholesterol-lowering journey) should be shared publicly. Mostly to help you, women in midlife during changing hormones, but also to hold myself accountable. And since it’s February, it seems fitting to share what I’m learning so we can get heart-healthy together. I had a physical…

women, friends, meadow discussing hormones.

Female Hormones 101 As You Age

Female Hormones 101 as you age will help you understand how hormones change throughout your life, affect many systems in your body, and how to feel your best. The main female reproductive hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for sexual development and preparing the uterine wall to nurture fertilized eggs during pregnancy….

Woman Walking On Fence balancing hormones and pendulum

Foods For Balancing Female Hormones

As the female body ages and you go through menopause, your sex hormones fluctuate and ultimately decline. Using foods for balancing female hormones, your body’s chemical messengers is the most natural way to feel and look your best. Without improvements to your diet, how you look and feel will certainly be impacted with hormonal changes….

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Natural Remedies for Brain Fog During Midlife

What is Brain Fog? I’m sure you all have days where you complain of feeling ‘out of it’, unable to think clearly, or forgetting more things than you care to admit in midlife. I know I do! Many people report this feeling as ‘brain fog’. This is not an actual diagnosis but rather a term…

woman spreading her arms getting healthy and building resilience to get unstuck

How to Build Resilience in Midlife

Although the journey through midlife and changing hormones is a personal one for most women, developing resilience will undoubtedly help you bounce back from inevitable setbacks. What you have endured in the past and may face in the future will be better handled if you build resilience. Building this skill will help you be better…