Frustrated young female having mental problem reflecting in mirror while sitting alone in room with dysregulated nervous system.
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How to Heal a Dysregulated Nervous System

It should come as no surprise to many of you that we are a society that is stressed out! Research shows that most adults report feeling a stress level of ‘5’ on a scale of 1 to 10 each day. (Honestly, I’m surprised it’s not higher). Sadly, 27% of adults admit to being so stressed…

pug covered with blanket on bedspread
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Link Between Dementia and Sleep Habits

Medical News Today reports that 55 million people around the world are living with dementia — the impaired inability to think, remember, or make decisions that impacts everyday activities. Many poor lifestyle choices can contribute to this condition, especially inadequate sleep. A recent study says that as little as a 1% reduction in deep sleep…

woman spreading her arms getting healthy and building resilience to get unstuck

How to Build Resilience in Midlife

Although the journey through midlife and changing hormones is a personal one for most women, developing resilience will undoubtedly help you bounce back from inevitable setbacks. What you have endured in the past and may face in the future will be better handled if you build resilience. Building this skill will help you be better…

How to Change Habits for the Better in Midlife
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How to Change Habits for the Better in Midlife

When was the last time you took a few minutes to examine and become more aware of your habits? Not all habits need changing, some are great habits. But if you had one or two that aren’t improving your health or well-being, which ones would you change? How to change habits for the better in…

Three Ways to Make Positive Habit Changes in Menopause

Three Ways to Make Positive Habit Changes in Menopause

Whatever we practice daily is either bringing us closer to who we want to be or further from that person. This happens by continually choosing behaviors that if practiced enough become habits. Three ways to make positive habit changes in menopause will give you a great place to start! Women dealing with menopause and hormonal…